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Round Up
Men's Conference Speakers
The Lord has equipped these men with His Spirit and giftings to encourage and teach men in the ways of the Lord. Together they will minister and share from personal experiences to give God glory for all that He has done in their lives.
Rev. Don Foster

Guest Speaker
Rev. Don Foster grew up in the city of Poughkeepsie, NY, the seventh of eleven children. At the age of 23, he had an encounter with Jesus Christ and devoted his life to service to our Lord. Pastor Foster has been in ministry for fifty years, including being a youth pastor for six years, traveling as a children’s evangelist for seven years, and pastoring churches for thirty-six years. He has been the lead pastor at Yorktown Assembly of God in Yorktown Heights, NY for the past 30 years.
Pastor Foster has ministered to everyone – men, women, children, teenagers, seniors – but has a special gift of ministering to men. His church’s men’s ministry has an average attendance of nearly fifty men every Saturday morning, where they gather around tables to teach the Word of God and discuss issues that men face in life. He preaches Jesus Christ crucified and encourages men to give their all for Jesus.
Pastor Foster has been married to his wife, Rose, for 54 years! They have two children and four grandchildren, with whom they enjoy spending whatever free time they have.
Thom Sheppard
Seminar speaker
Thom was born in Rutland, Vermont but was raised in the Lower Hudson Valley in New York. He served with honor in the United States Marine Corps from 1968 to 1970. He has been serving in various capacities at his church for the past 15 years. His responsibilities included teaching Sunday school, serving on the church council, ushering and security, sound technician, and teaching Bible studies. Thom also leads a boys ministry called Royal Rangers, whose aim is to build boys into strong Christian men. He has filled the pulpit at his church on many occasions. Thom has been married to his beautiful bride, Mary Ann, for four years and thanks God for her every day!
Jose Jacobs
Seminar speaker​
Jose was born and raised in the streets of Spanish Harlem in New York City. He served in the United States Marines Corps from 1969 to 1971. He has been a member of Yorktown Assembly of God for nearly 30 years. During this time, Jose held many leadership roles, including: leading the Men’s Ministry for over 20 years; Head Usher; member of the Church Council, including a time as Church Secretary; and he has taught an adult Bible Study for three decades. Jose has been married to his lovely wife, Olga, for 43 years and they have two adult sons.
Paul Stoval
Seminar speaker
Paul came to Christ at the age of 41. He has been involved in ministry for over 20 years, working in men’s ministry for most of this time, focusing on men with a variety of addictive personalities. With the help of the Lord, Paul has been used to help men come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17). He counsels men to be spiritual leaders in their homes, churches, and neighborhoods. Paul has a gift for evangelism and has dedicated his life to help fulfill the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19). Paul grew up in New York and has been married to his precious wife, Myrna, for over 30 years and has seven children.
Nick Palumbo
Seminar speaker
Nick was born in Italy but grew up in New York. He came to Christ 17 years ago and has been involved in various ministries ever since. He is a successful businessman and author, devoting his life to assisting business professionals achieve success in all areas of their lives: personally, professionally, spiritually and physically so they can live a life filled with passion and purpose. He is considered one of the top leaders in the financial services industry in the United States. He is the director of the Men’s Ministry at his local church, serves on the Church Council, and has filled the pulpit for the senior pastor on many occasions. Nick has been married to his lovely wife, Linda, for 35 years and has two adult children he adores as well as his Yorkipoo dog, “Scooter”!
Jeff Oettle
Seminar speaker & worship leader
​Jeff was born in Michigan and graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1993. Just before starting pilot training, he had a supernatural encounter with Jesus, surrendering his life to Him and answering His call to full-time ministry. He became part of the worship team at the Brownsville Revival in Pensacola, Florida, and saw God do incredible things! God used his Naval service to open doors for ministry in many places around the world, sharing his revival experiences and preaching the Good News. He has been married to the love of his life, Jennifer, for 27 years. They live in New Orleans, LA, serving as a worship leader, senior pastor and launched Inspire, the church where they serve. Their passion and focus of their ministry is for the power, presence, and glory of God to be manifest through His people. Jeff and Jennifer have four daughters, two sons, and one granddaughter.
Joe Benecasa
Seminar speaker & host
Joe was born into an Italian-American family in New York and came to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ just before his 20th birthday, being delivered from a life of drugs and alcohol. Joe pursued a career in accounting until the Lord called him to full-time ministry at the age of 49. He has been actively involved in ministry since his conversion, holding positions that include pastor, associate pastor, and Sunday school teacher, as well as heading up a boy’s ministry called Royal Rangers for over 23 years. He established and is currently pastor of Lighthouse Fellowship Napoli. Joe has been married to his wonderful wife, Mary, for over 40 years and they have four children and four grandchildren.