God has a way of convincing us His way is the best way. Of course, it is. But sometimes we cannot see past the obstacles in our pathway to realize that.
When the Lord called me into full-time mission work, I had been an accountant for 25 years. I was not credentialed. I never preached a message in my life. So, it was obvious to me God was making a mistake. He must have me confused with someone else. So, I came up with many “reasons” (excuses) why God should look elsewhere. There were too many mountains in my path. Our mission’s department would never open its doors to me. And, as an accountant, I knew how difficult it would be to raise a budget for Europe. Besides, who would support me? Certainly, there were much more qualified missionaries out there to support. But that did not seem to change God’s mind. He kept after me, letting me know He was calling me to full-time ministry.
Finally, one night at a church prayer meeting, I decided to “throw the ball into God’s court.” I prayed this prayer: “God, if you are calling me to go, you need to remove the mountains from my path; you need to open up the doors; and you need to provide the funds, if you are really calling me.” That was the last prayer I prayed that night. I got up off my knees and immediately remembered that I never finished my Bible reading for that day. I was supposed to read through Isaiah 46, but only got up to chapter 44. So, with about ten minutes before the evening service would begin, I sat down to read those two chapters. But I didn’t get past Isaiah 45, verse three.
Remember I had just asked God to remove the mountains, open the doors, and provide the funds, if He was really calling me to go. This is what the Holy Spirit spoke to me through Isaiah 45, verses two and three: “I will go before you and level the mountains; I will break through the gates of bronze and cut through the bars of iron; I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you will know I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who summons you by name.” I was in shock. Within a minute of my prayer, God took away all my excuses. He was going to remove the mountains. He was going to open the doors. He was going to provide the funds I needed. I knew right then that I had to go. I also realized that night that God does not call the qualified; He qualifies those who are called.
You may be called to do something out of your comfort zone. But understand this: if God calls you, He will equip you. Trust Him and know that He will make a way when it appears to be no way. He has kept his promises to me – He removed every obstacle, he opened every door, and he has provided all we have needed – miraculously at times – so that we could fulfill the call on our lives. He will do the same for you.