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Just at the Right Time

Joe Benecasa

The nation of Israel hadn’t heard a prophetic message from the Lord probably since the prophet Micah – over 400 years of silence. They were under cruel submission to a brutal Roman empire and desperately looking for Someone to deliver them from this present circumstance.

Four hundred years is a long time to wait. Many generations were looking for the Messiah to come and lead them to victory over their oppressors. But God was silent. He said nothing and sent no one to help – until that night in Bethlehem. God, in His perfect timing, sent His only begotten Son to earth to take on human form and to pay for us the ultimate price – His blood sacrifice for our transgressions.

I am certain that more than a few people back then were questioning God’s timing. Just like when Israel was under Pharaoh’s oppressive bondage for over 400 years, here again they heard nothing from their God and were forced to wait. “Why did you wait so long, God, to deliver us?” It’s a good question to ask. Why, God? Why do you make us wait so long sometimes?

It’s a good question that I cannot answer. Only God knows why He times things the way He does. One thing I do know, however, is that His timing is perfect. Our perfect heavenly Father has His timing down perfectly. Just because we do not understand it does not mean that His timing is off. He has His reasons and, many times, He does not disclose them to us. But we really do not need to know the reason, we just need to trust in His goodness to know that His timing is best.

Paul told us in Galatians 4:4-5, “But when the right time came, God sent his Son, born of a woman, subject to the law. God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children" (NLT). In other words, Jesus came just at the right time. Whenever I read that scripture, it reminds me of a great song Christian recording artist Scott Wesley Brown released back in 1982. The second verse goes like this:

“You came along just at the right time

when perfect peace was hard to find.

You filled my empty life with hope

when my life was full of fears.

You gave my life a reason

and wiped away all my tears.

And every now and then when I feel lost,

I remember how you touched my life.

And when I need to feel your touch again,

you are always there just at the right time.”

I am very grateful to Scott for that song and I am very grateful to God for His perfect timing! This Christmas, if you are fill with fears, burdens, anxieties, loneliness, or emptiness, reach out to the Lord. He is faithful and will touch you – just at the right time. Also, reach out to us. Although we are not close by, we can pray and encourage and listen to you. Everyone needs a listening ear at times.

Mary and I wish you a very blessed Christmas. Remember, Jesus is the reason for the season – don’t leave Him out of the celebration! Also, I am including a link to Scott’s song, Just at the Right Time, on YouTube. Check it out!

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