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What's In Your Hand?

Joe Benecasa

Sometimes we are faced with something that seems much bigger than us and we may wonder, “How am I going to survive this?” Or perhaps the Lord calls you to do a work that you feel you are unqualified to do? Maybe you feel like your back is against a wall and you have no place to turn? It is not uncommon for us to find ourselves in these circumstances.

I am reminded of Moses as he was leading the Israelites out of Egypt. Here he is, leading probably over two million people through a harsh desert land, not sure where they are going or what is ahead of them. They find themselves facing the Red Sea, a vast waterway impossible to cross without large vessels. That’s when Moses looks behind him and sees Pharaoh leading his army towards the Israelites in his iron chariots. I doubt very much that Moses thought they were coming to give the people of Israel a ride to the promised land. Moses had nothing with him but an old staff – a piece of wood that was pretty much useless except to help him walk. How would he battle Pharaoh’s imposing army with a piece of driftwood?

Then I think of David facing the giant, Goliath. Goliath was a warrior, fighting for the Philistine army since he was a boy. Since he was so large, they probably let him join the army at a young age, teaching him the art of warfare. Goliath’s armor weighed more that most men weighed. He had a large shield, sword, and javelin and he knew how to use them. David, a mere boy, had only a weapon a boy of his age would have: a slingshot. They were useful for scaring off predators trying to steal his sheep, but how would he defeat a giant warrior with something so inferior?

Then, last week, I mentioned Jesus feeding the more than five thousand people. The disciples had no money to buy food, nor was there a market nearby that could provide them such large amounts to feed so many. Andrew finds a boy whose mom was thoughtful enough to pack him a lunch. But how would the disciples feed so many people with one small lunch?

These men were all in similar predicaments: they were up against a wall, with nowhere to go. They were facing a violent and deadly enemy that threatened their lives. They did not have the means to meet the needs in front of them. But in each situation, God asked them: “What's in your hand?”

We often will view what is in our hands as insignificant to do the job. Moses’ staff could not bridge the Red Sea, nor could it ward off the Egyptians. David’s sling could never fell a giant. The boy’s lunch would never feed that many people. But, when we take what is in our hands and put it in God’s hands, miracles happen. God will take what we have – no matter how inadequate it may appear – and use it for His glory. He parted the Red Sea by telling Moses to lift up a piece of wood. He slew an armor-covered giant with a small stone. He fed thousands with the amount of food that would normally feed a boy. God can take what is in your hand and do similar miracles – if you will let him.

Don’t listen to the lies that you are inadequate. Don’t look down at what you have as insignificant. God has called you to do a job and He will make you more than adequate to do it. He will take what you have and expand it so that it will be more than sufficient to answer that call. You just need to trust Him and give Him what is in your possession. Just as God asked Moses in Exodus 4:2, “What’s in your hand?”, He is asking you that question today. Follow Moses’ lead – give to the Lord what is in your hands and see what He can do with it.

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